Our Services
Family Law
Guardian Ad Litem
The wellbeing of a child is of the utmost importance here at Askew Law & Mediation. Attorney LaTonya Askew is a court appointed Gaurdian Ad Litem (GAL). In this role, she is responsible for investigating and assessing what is in the best interest of the child in a custody arrangement. To determine this, a thorough, but thoughtful evaluation is required. Attorney Askew is experienced in these matters.
A Georgia father must legitimate any child that is born out of wedlock. There are two ways to legitimate...the Father can marry the mother or petition the court for Legitimation. Legitimation allows the Father to have rights to the child(ren). This essentially means rights to have a say so concerning education (what school your child(ren) attends, extracurricular activities, religion, and non-medical emergency. The father will also be granted parenting time.
Child Support
A Georgia women can place an alleged father on child support whether a paternity test has been taken, the child(ren) have not been legitimated, or if the couple is separated. Askew Law & Mediation recommends you contact legal counsel immediately when being served with any paperwork…particularly child support documents. If you wait to get legal representation, your chances of a license suspension and or garnishment increases tremendously!
Divorce is difficult whether it’s a contested or uncontested divorce. Askew Law & Mediation recommends before making this tough decision… think everything through.
Modification of Child Support and Custody: Modification of Child Support and Custody is not an always guarantee. Georgia law requires that specific factors(decrease in salary, increase in salary, child has elected to reside with the non custodial parent, the court determines that it will be in the best interest of the child(ren) to change custody) be met before a modification is granted.